Jonathan Ames
Jonathan Ames

I wish I was the kind of writer who would go to a war zone and write about something that's meaningful and important to people, but that's not my area of coverage.

Julian Casablancas
Julian Casablancas

The artistic element of Manhattan has kind of moved to Brooklyn. Has it changed it? Yeah. Has it ruined it? I would say no. It is what it is. I say better that than an urban war zone.

Kate Adie
Kate Adie

People always seem to assume that we have a full, back-up support team - make-up, costume and a driver - but usually, in a war zone, there's only me and the cameraman.

Kerry Greenwood
Kerry Greenwood

I think it is rather heroic to go into a war zone where everyone is trying to kill you, and you have no way of shooting back.

Lynsey Addario
Lynsey Addario

You have two options when you approach a hostile checkpoint in a war zone, and each is a gamble. The first is to stop and identify yourself as a journalist and hope that you are respected as a neutral observer. The second is to blow past the checkpoint and hope the soldiers guarding it don't open fire on you.

Lynsey Addario
Lynsey Addario

My life isn't always at risk, even if I'm in a war zone. A lot of these places have areas of calm, so covering war doesn't necessarily mean being shot at all the time.

Maria Ressa
Maria Ressa

In a war zone you know exactly where the threats are coming from. I plan my way in and we plan our way out and you're there for a limited period of time.

Martin Freeman
Martin Freeman

Please God, I'll never be in a war zone, but everything I sort of know about people who come back is that it's a hard transition to make. I mean, even if you've not been in a war, even if you've just been in the Forces, you come back and probably have more fights in civilian life.

Maysoon Zayid
Maysoon Zayid

I spent my summers in a war zone because my parents were afraid that if we didn't go back to Palestine every single summer, we'd grow up to be Madonna.

Michael Steger
Michael Steger

I think when your imagination goes to work, and when you're first bullied, you feel like you're going to die. School becomes a war zone, and you can't function.